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8/20/05 "Late Night Revelations"
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Hi, if your reading this. I thank you with all the sincerity and love that I have in my whole body.

I spent the time doing many things. Finishing class, designing some merch, contemplaiting what Stars on the Ceiling is all about.

I though long and hard about what I'm going to do about this comic. Thinking of who is reading, what I want to accomplish and what is the general idea of what it is this comic is suppose to represent. After thinking about it I've come to the conclusion that it's going to be what I inteneded it to be. A journal. In the sense it will convey all of me. Good bad, funny, how I see things.

I've decided, to stop holding back things a little more. At least when it comes to what I think about certain topics. I'm going to talk about things that I want to talk about. I've always wanted this to be my way of express myself and just get things out.

Basically the first comic sums everything up.

I'm worried I'm making it sound like the comic has lost it's way, now I'm bringing it back. God I suck.

So, I'm back. Thanks for waiting everybody. I truely appreciate it. Also I'll give you a better update on other things that are a lot happier to talk about.

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